40 Days with the Risen Christ: Day 2

“While they were telling these things, He stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be to you.' But they were startled and frightened and thought they were seeing a spirit. And He said to them, ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?’ “ Luke 24:36-38

After blessing and breaking the evening bread, two hot-hearted disciples recognized Jesus. Two things happened in the little village of Emmaus that night. Jesus immediately vanished from their sight, and the two disciples returned that very moment to the city of Jerusalem.

No longer demoralized by their crisis of faith, they were energized by the sight of Jesus stepping into the middle of it. Jerusalem, the site of their greatest defeat in life would become the platform to share with others their greatest joy. Jesus only does this…EVERY TIME.

God always delivers some of His greatest gifts wrapped in frightening packages. It has always been God’s way of transforming fear into faith and turning bitter resentment into sweet contentment.
Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery, and elevated by his owner to the status of a prince of Egypt. His unlikely story of redemption remains a prototype for the way God still works.

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. So do not be afraid.” Genesis 50:20-21

Traveling seven miles uphill, through the dark of night, the faith filled disciples found their frightened friends. Huddled together in the Upper Room, they shared their amazing story.

The frightened disciples in the Upper Room faced another set of facts about The Resurrection. They were still filled with fear. Facing the facts, without coming face to face with Jesus won’t increase faith. Putting trust in the facts often increases fear. Getting face to face with Jesus conquers fear. Stop facing the facts.
Get face to face with Jesus.

While sharing the story of their personal encounter with The Risen Christ, on the Road to Emmaus, Jesus stood with them. He still does. (Luke 24:30-36)

The Risen Christ stood in the midst of His followers and offered them peace. Peace is the byproduct of overcoming fear of the facts with faith in Him. He did not show them more facts. He showed them His face. He is still The Prince of Peace. Prayer puts you face to face with Jesus.

Jesus showed up when two discouraged disciples told of their journey from fear to faith. Like two starving beggars telling others where they could find bread, they told their story. Tell yours.

Jesus provides peace, not by providing an absence of conflict, but by offering His Presence to you in the middle of it. Faith increases by embracing His Presence when encountering head on collisions with fear. Fear is conquered, by facing it, not by racing from it.

NOTE TO SELF: Never underestimate the power of your personal testimony, and never over-estimate your fears. What you have seen Jesus do in your life cannot be taken away from you, unless you allow fear to rob it from you. Prayer enables you to see Jesus standing with you when you share what you have seen Him do in your life.

Prayer allows you to see His hands working with you in the middle of your crisis. Prayer transforms your faith by giving you the courage to face your fears. Look into the face of Jesus. Jesus doesn’t panic at the sight of your crisis. Look into His eyes and take courage from His calm. Prayer provides the night vision you need to see your way through the darkness.

Never doubt in the dark what you know to be true in The Light of His Presence. Be calm.