The Result

"When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom." PROVERBS 11:2

This week the nation has heard the word "honorable" used in public discourse, more than usual. Unfortunately, it has been used to describe a man who has provided "honorable" service to his country, but has dishonored his wife, with his marital infidelity.

What a shame! America has set aside this weekend to honor the birthday of The Marine Corps, and to remember those who have served the nation, through the Armed Forces. Veterans' Day deserved better. Stories prepared to highlight the nation's pride in their military have been overshadowed, by the lurid details, of a marriage gone wrong.

A man's service to his country, in God's view, does not outweigh his responsibility to his wife. The pressures, of leading a nation in a foreign war, or maintaining the security of a free people at home, may explain, but do not excuse what a husband did to his wife. His words, though honest and heartfelt, will not alter the damage done to his reputation, his career, and his family.

“After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair.”

So, once again, the nation is given a glimpse, into the poor judgment or moral failure of one its highest leaders. A national hero has added his words to the litany of great sayings, that generations of young people will recall, in times of crisis.

"I am not a crook." Richard Nixon

"Read my lips. No new taxes." G. H. W. Bush

"It all depends on what the meaning of the word, 'is,' is." W.J. Clinton

"I think I was unprepared for war." G. W. Bush

"After my election, I have more flexibility." B.H. Obama

It is often pointed out, that "pride" cannot be spelled without the letter "I." The Greeks called it "Ego." Both observations are correct. Children enter into this world looking out for number one. As a person matures, they become aware, grudgingly, the world does not revolve around them. They gradually learn, they must consider the needs and expectations of others.

Pride obliterates maturity, and returns a person to their earliest instincts. The person, with the most power, must exercise the most maturity and self-restraint. Those under them, cannot control them. They must control themselves. The higher up the tree they climb, the easier it is to see their failures. When they expose themselves, it is never a pretty sight.

The Wise humble themselves, and avoid the notoriety. They do this by maintaining consistent companionship with God, through prayer. Prideful people are prayerless people. They are too full of themselves to take any advice from God. It is not until life squeezes some pride out of them, that they have any room for His wise counsel or His sense of direction.

Prayer, not self-promotion, prepares a person for the pressures of life. When people are squeezed, the world sees what is on the inside of them. For a Christian, there should be truth in advertising. What they wear on the outside, should match what is on the inside. Let me explain.

Years ago, there was an infamous bumper sticker, "Honk if you love Jesus!" It must have been a best seller on the pagan market. Whenever I honked, my response to their request was always greeted, with a distinct reaction: the international sign of contempt. It may have been pointing upward, but it wasn't point the one way to Jesus. The words on the outside, didn't match what was on the inside. Traffic has a way of making liars out of us all. Can I get a witness?

Humility is a condition that results, from coming to the end of oneself. It initiates prayer, and leads a person to the beginning of God. The fear of God, or the reverence for God's direction, protection, and correction leads to His wisdom. This is the by-product of prayer. A person rarely thinks like God, until they spend time with Him. Wisdom is not a self-inflated view of oneself, for what they know about God. It is an appreciation for how little they know about Him, in spite of all God has taught them.

The "What Would Jesus Do" bracelets a few years ago were very popular. These little WWJD rubber bands were also the number one item shop-lifted, in Christian bookstores. Go figure. Still, their message is worth remembering. When Jesus was in need of God's direction, he turned to His Father in prayer. Nuff said. To be wise, go thou and do likewise.