The Rant

DEBATE PREP 101: "Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words." PR 23:9

One of the great challenges in life is to avoid over-reacting to an offense. The Wise maintain perspective and find a way to hit the right mark, between a proper response and an over-reaction.

Just because a person doesn't take offense at what is said or done to them, does not mean that a word or an action was not offensive. It reveals a resolve and strength of character to refuse to stoop to the level of the offensive word or the offending person.

An older and wiser pastor once told me, "You will never get to town, if you stop and throw rocks at every barking dog." Wise words. His point was that some things just aren't worth getting worn out over, and some people will just wear you out, if you let them. You have a choice. You can only die on one cross, so choose it wisely.

What is said and the way it is said, are two different things. What is done and the way it is done, are not the same. A statement can be made, and when put into print, it does not reveal the smirk or the contempt with which it was delivered. The offender is always quick to point out, "I only said." What they are not as quick to point out is, "I really meant." The Wise know the difference.

The Fool parses and poses, using words to antagonize, minimize or marginalize another human being. It gives them a sense of moral superiority to see their words or actions cause a person to burst into flames, while they appear to keep their cool. It is an ancient strategy, and one that has been used often, to make great people shrivel, in the eyes of others, under the heat of slander, innuendo and rumor.

Letting fools rant and rave, may at first glance appear to allow an offender to get the upper hand, to have the last word, to win the argument, or to get the parking space. In God's Debate Manual, only twits return tit for tat. Taking an eye for an eye leaves both people blind. The Wise will use an intended offense, as a way to reveal the offender for who they really are...a loser, posing as a winner. Eventually, the truth comes out, and a person's true character is revealed. Prayer shrivels pride, and improves character. To reveal less of the former and more of the latter, pray it, before you say it.