The Intercessor

“Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that He may glorify You. Even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to all whom You have given Him, He may give eternal life. This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” John 17:1-3

John’s Gospel records twenty-six verses that are often referred to as “The High Priestly Prayer.” The Intercessor packed His prayer with power, passion and purpose. The prayers of The Intercessor still are. Whatever the size of the crisis that is in your face, or the weight of a concern that is on your heart, like the old hymn says, “Tell It to Jesus.”

On a personal note, my father, Don Miller, has always referred to this passage of Scripture as, “The True Lord’s Prayer.” He has always believed this prayer reveals the heart of The Intercessor like no other recorded prayer of Jesus.  Thanks, Dad. You may be right.

After sharing “The Last Supper” with His disciples, Jesus expressed an intercessory prayer for those who were gathered around the table. He didn’t stop there. He widened the net to include the army of prayer warriors who would follow in the footsteps of the faith that would be taken by this small band of brothers.  

“I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those who believe in Me, through their word.” John 17:20

Following His death, burial, resurrection on earth and His ascension to Heaven, The Glorified Christ took His seat at the right hand of The Father. This prayer is a brief snapshot of what The Intercessor continues to do for His followers.

“Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.” Romans 8:34

The Intercessor is Jesus, seated at the right hand of The Father. He stands in the gap on behalf of His followers, and He lives to intercede for them, with every breath He takes. His prayers bridge the breech between their faith in God, and their doubts in themselves. Pleading the case of His followers, The Son places before The Father any request, large and small, and every enemy, big and tall, that His followers place in His hands.

Prayer warriors learn to confidently trust the prompting of The Spirit to place into the hands of Jesus any mundane care, the latest terrifying crisis, and the heaviest concerns of their hearts.  Their child-like confidence in believing prayer is rewarded with the peace that passes all understanding in the face of their earthly warfare in the battle against evil.

War with hell is messy business. Prayer warriors who focus on the enemy, and not The Champion will have their hearts sickened by the gore, and their hands soiled with the grime.  It is too much for them to handle. Prayer takes their eyes off of the enemy, and takes their hands off the problem.

Believing prayer doesn’t drop the guard of the prayer warrior. It raises their confidence in The Champion. It washes their hands of the pollution of the crisis, and points them to The Intercessor as the source of the solution. Believing prayer builds confidence in Jesus, not self-confidence.  Prayer warriors learn to trust Him to bring victory in any confrontation with their relentless enemy and intimidating circumstances.

“Believing prayer is the transfer of a promise of God into your problem.” Don Miller, Pastor, Preacher, Church Planter, and Prayer Warrior since 1922

Believing prayer is the key that unlocks the door to eternal life. This eternal life is not postponed until death. Jesus brings to life the promises of God with every breath of prayer taken by a weary prayer warrior.

“This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

Note to self: Stop waiting for the peace of eternal life to begin at the point of death. It is as close as your next breath of prayer.

Believing prayer reveals the love of The Father for His children, by maintaining their consistent, confident companionship with The Intercessor. By yielding to the gentle touch of The Spirit, wise prayer warriors let go of the pollution of the battle, and take hold of the hand of The Father. Jesus intercedes, until His followers know the solace of The Father’s love and His solution in the middle of the conflict.  Like the song says, “Tell It to Jesus.” Don’t just sing it. Bring it. TALK LESS! PRAY MORE!