Ezekiel 22:30

"I searched for a man...who would...stand in the gap." 
Ezekiel 22:30 

Prayer is war. It is fought by tireless warriors in the darkest of places. The darker the night, the harder they fight. Prayer serves as their night vision goggles, exposing the schemes, and the strategies of the enemy. 

When we pray, we stand next to The Champion. He owns the night, and takes the fight to the enemy. So, we pray.

Matthew 11:28

"Come unto Me..." Matt. 11:28

There is a big difference between your resolute commitment to Christ, and your absolute surrender to Him. The former resolves to make your best effort. The latter yields your will to His superior authority. 

When you pray, you honor Jesus, as your Lord, and Savior. When you choose to be prayerless, you reveal the heart of a rebel. So, we pray.

Ephesians 6:18

‪The prayerless settle for being a cheap replica of the Spirit's fruit, but they never produce His fragrance. The prayerful get real. By praying in The Spirit, they honor His Presence, & produce His fragrance. ‬

‪"Pray at all times in the Spirit."‬
‪EPH 6:18 ‬

Praying is hard work

The Holy Spirit transforms churches into Farmers' Markets. The fragrance of His fruit rises from intimacy with Jesus, the root of the church. 

The prayerful know that praying is hard work, but it bears genuine fruit, and fills the air with the fragrance of Christ. The prayerless settle for their own aroma. 

Investing tireless sweat equity, into a man-made machine, cranks out cheap replicas of real fruit. The prayerless must settle for an appearance of the fruit of the Spirit, but they will never know the fragrance of it. 

A prayerless church settles for an appearance, and produces imitation fruit. A prayerful church has the fragrance of the real fruit of the Spirit, not an appearance of it.

Genesis 24:12

“He said, ‘O, Lord, the God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today, and show lovingkindness to my master Abraham.’ “ GEN. 24:12

Effective intercession is answered prayer that seeks personal success, by focusing on the blessing of others.

Luke 24:22

Jesus prayed to align His will with His Father's will. "Not My will, but Yours be done." Luke 22:42 

When you pray, you can do no more, and you must do no less.


Fear focuses on the things man can do to you. Prayer focuses on the things God can do for you. When fear gets in your face, get face to face with Jesus. 

Never panic until Jesus does. When you pray, He teaches you, it is always too early to panic & never too late to pray.

Luke 22:42

Believing prayer leads you to a fresh act of obedience. Don't trust your eloquence to talk God into your will. Develop your obedience to embrace His will. 

"Not My will but Yours be done." Jesus, LK 22:42

When you pray, pray until you obey like Jesus.

John 15:7

"If you abide in Me..." Jesus, John 15:7 

Answered prayer is not a matter of coincidence. It is found by residing in Christ's Presence. When you pray, make it a matter of residence, not eloquence. 

"When I pray, coincidences happen." William Temple

Luke 11:1

The NEXT Great Awakening won't begin in the White House, State House, Courthouse, School House, or Church House. It begins in your heart, & at your house. Pray for God's Holy Spirit to saturate your heart & your home.

"Lord, teach us to pray." LK 11:1